6 February 2025

Greens pitch $10b free public education carrot ahead of election

| Cape York Weekly
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Adam Bandt, Australian Greens Leader

Greens leader Adam Bandt has unveiled the party’s $10 billion plan to provide free public school education if it holds the balance of power in a minority federal government following this year’s election. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

Cape York and Torres Strait families will receive a “truly free” public school education for their children if the Greens have their way and hold the balance of power in Canberra following this year’s federal election.

Green leaders Adam Bandt announced the $10 billion plan on 22 January, which would include an annual payment of $800 to families at the start of the school year for each child attending a public school, as well as additional funding for public schools to eliminate fees.

The Parliamentary Budget Office, which provides independent analysis of fiscal policy and the financial implications of policy proposals, has costed the Greens policy at $7.6bn for back-to-school payments to families and $2.4b to abolish public school fees.

The $800-per-child payment will help families tackle growing out-of-pocket education expenses like school supplies, uniforms and technology.

Greens leader Adam Bandt said the party was committed to ensuring all Australians had access to free education, adding he believed the plan should be funded by making big business pay its fair share of tax.

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“In a wealthy country like ours, everyone should be able to afford the basics – a home, food, and world class health and education,” he said.

“Parents are forking out thousands on voluntary fees, uniforms and out-of-pocket costs, but meanwhile, one in three big corporations pays no tax.

“Governments are underfunding our public schools and shifting the costs onto parents already struggling with the cost of living.”

While he believes a minority government will rule the Parliamentary roost after voters make their trip to the ballot box, Mr Bandt unequivocally ruled out the Greens helping the Coalition achieve a balance of power.

“We can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expecting a different result,” he said.

“If Brisbane voters return their Greens MPs, they can keep Peter Dutton out and get Labor to act on the cost of living crisis.”

The Greens are yet to reveal which candidate will represent the party in the battle to replace Warren Entsch as the Leichhardt MP.

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