8 June 2024

$695,000 boost for Cape York SES groups

| Chisa Hasegawa
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Queensland SES

Seven Cape York State Emergency Service groups will share almost $700,000 in grants to boost recovery and resilience. Photo: Facebook.

In a part of Queensland where extreme weather events are a matter of when, not if, the State Emergency Service (SES) is vital to community resilience and recovery.

Following the effects of Tropical Cyclone Jasper in December 2023, the State Government has announced seven Cape York SES groups will share $695,000 in funding for vehicle and facility upgrades through its Queensland Fire and Emergency Services grants program.

Nearly $294,000 of the funding will go towards reactivating the SES in Wujal Wujal with a new office and replacement vehicle identified as the main priorities.

In addition, Aurukun will receive $46,000 for a new vehicle, Lakeland will get $75,000 to upgrade its truck, and Coen $29,000 for a specialised vehicle canopy.

Bamaga will boost its road crash rescue capability through $143,000 in funding, with Hope Vale receiving $37,550 for an emergency light tower and generator, and Alexndra Bay almost $70,000 to upgrade its local SES shed.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Steve Smith highlighted the importance of the SES, especially after last year’s devasting natural disaster events.

“The assistance and support provided by our volunteers during this year’s demanding severe weather season exemplifies the importance of a well-funded and well-equipped State Emergency Service,” he said.

“With Queensland being a state of climate extremes, it is critical that SES groups are armed with essential state-of-the-art equipment necessary for effective disaster response.”

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