Weipa Hospital now has a full oral health team in place – dental nurse Isabelle Lucey, dentist Dr Brittany Ewing, administration officer Kristine Farraway and dental nurse Brooke Larfield. Photo: Supplied.
A full local oral health solution is now in place for western Cape York residents following the appointment of a permanent dentist at Weipa Hospital.
Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service (TCHHS) director of oral health Dr Callum Blackhall said Dr Brittany Ewing was the first permanent dentist at Weipa in nearly two years on the back of an Australia-wide shortage.
“There is a nationwide shortage of dentists, and especially dentists wishing to work in the public sector and in a remote area,’’ Dr Blackhall said.
“Even sourcing locums has become increasingly difficult in recent times, so we have been very lucky that Dr Ewing has joined our service.
“As well as Dr Ewing, our oral health team in Weipa also includes two dental nurses and a receptionist.’’
The oral health team will service Weipa, Aurukun, Napranum, Mapoon, Pormpuraaw and Lockhart River.
Dr Ewing said she was thrilled with how welcoming the Weipa community had been since her arrival.
“I’d like to say a big thank you to the community of Weipa for providing such a warm welcome,’’ she said.
“Our oral health service at Weipa recognises that the need for dental support in a remote environment is considerable, and we are working hard to do so.’’
Dr Ewing said public oral health service guidelines stated the service could treat concession card, health care card, and pension card holders at no cost, while children who are eligible for Medicare also are also able to receive free dental care.
“However, being a remote location with no private dentist available, we have extended our services at Weipa to include the general public, regardless of eligibility, for emergency treatment such as toothache, and or swelling,’’ Dr Ewing said.
“We understand that, previously, if you were not eligible for public oral health care, you were required to seek private dentistry in Cairns for emergency treatment, so, we are very excited to be able to offer this service.
Dr Ewing said non-eligible patients would still need to seek a private dentist for non-emergency services, such as check-ups and cleaning.
With the full team now in place, TCHHS has plans to further expand its Weipa oral health offering.
“We are also recruiting for a second dentist, as well as a dental hygienist to join the team,” Dr Blackhall said.
“We have big plans for the Weipa team and are very keen to see it expanded.’’