THE state government’s Department of Resources has been flooded with submissions to keep the Stones Crossing loop road open.
Following last week’s front page story, there have already been a large number of submissions made against the road closure.
Cape York Weekly understands the road closure application was made by FC Laywers on behalf of Silverback Properties, a company held by the Irwin family.
A public notice has been placed in this week’s paper on Page 20, however, it might be too late.
Sources told Cape York Weekly that the Irwins had until October 3 to advertise the road closure application notice and post signs near the road.
No signs were visible to motorists using the road when they checked yesterday morning.
A spokesperson for the Department said the applicant had to meet its obligations in order for the road closure to be considered.
“Any proposal for road closure requires consultation by the applicant and the department to ensure the local community and interested parties can have input into any final decision,” the spokesperson said.
“The department will not consider a closure if an applicant has not met the consultation requirements, and the consultation would need to be repeated.
“The consultation period takes a fairly standard format, and includes the department publishing a notice on its website, and the applicant placing notices in the area of the road, and an advertisement in a local newspaper – in this case the Cape York Weekly.”
The Department also acknowledged its error that was pointed out in last week’s story. The website incorrectly listed the road in Aurukun Shire Council off the “Bamage (sic) Road”.
“The department published its website notice on September 23. Unfortunately, this notice contained a couple of errors, which will be corrected online by Friday, September 30.”
Submissions close on Thursday, November 3.