28 June 2024

Annan River crocodile spotting attempt proves costly after campervan submerged

| Lyndon Keane
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An attempt to spot crocodiles ended in disaster for the female driver of this campervan on Friday morning when the vehicle rolled down the Annan River boat ramp and into the water. Photo: Lyndon Keane.

A woman has had a costly attempt to spot one of Cape York’s favourite reptiles after her campervan struck disaster in the Annan River near Cooktown on 28 June.

Cape York Weekly understands the female driver of the Ford Transit campervan drove onto the boat ramp on Friday morning to try and view a saltwater crocodile, only to have her vehicle roll down the concrete slope and into the river after she failed to apply the handbrake.

The woman was not injured in the incident and a Queensland Police Service spokesperson said the vehicle would be recovered on 29 June.

“The vehicle belonged to a lady who stopped there to look for crocodiles and, unfortunately, she forgot to put the handbrake on and the vehicle’s rolled down into the river,” the spokesperson told Cape York Weekly.

“She’s been in touch with the RACQ and they will help her recover it tomorrow.

“The lady is fine and wasn’t hurt, so it’s only the vehicle that’s been damaged in the incident.”

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