JUST like the anxious days before a newborn enters the world, anticipation is building as the long-awaited Weipa birthing suite nears completion.
Once opened, the facility will give around 25 women with low-risk pregnancies the option to stay closer to home each year.
Member for Cook Cynthia Lui said the suite would be finished next month, with the first baby to hopefully be delivered later this year.
“Two key pieces of equipment have recently arrived in Weipa including the bed for the birth suite and a Panda Neonatal Resuscitaire Unit,” Ms Lui said.
“This unit has been generously donated by philanthropic health organisation the Humpty Dumpty Foundation and we thank them for their generosity.”
Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service executive general manager Ian Power said new staff had already been recruited.
“A fifth midwife recently joined the team and a second GP with additional anaesthetics skills is due to start work later this month,” he said.
“We are building a highly qualified team and are very excited to begin birthing services in Weipa later this year.
“We are also currently advertising for a number of nursing positions with either operating theatre experience or a willingness to obtain these skills to further support the birthing service.’’
Mr Power said that women identified with higher risk pregnancies would still travel to Cairns, Townsville or Brisbane so they would access more specialised care to give birth safely.