Cape York Weekly editor Matt Nicholls will walk 200km from the Archer River Roadhouse to Weipa in October.
DESPITE not being in the best shape of his life, Cape York Weekly editor Matt Nicholls will attempt to walk from the Archer River Roadhouse to Weipa to raise funds for a terminal brain cancer patient.
The epic walk will be staged after the October long weekend and will see the long-time Cape York editor attempt to cover 200km in four days.
“I’m determined to do it in four days, but I’ve allowed six just in case my out-of-shape body can’t quite get there in the four days,” Matt said.
“Ideally, I’m leaving the Archer at 4am on Tuesday, October 3 and having beers at the Alby and Weipa Bowls Club on the Friday night.
“Brain cancer is one of the worst things to be diagnosed with and something I’m too familiar with after reporting on the journey of the late Jess Warner, who battled the illness bravely in Weipa back in the mid-2010s.
“This time, someone very close to me has been given a terminal diagnosis and a group of us have decided to raise funds to help him out.
“He’s given us the challenge of doing something outside of our comfort zones. I think walking 200km in the Cape York heat meets that criteria!”
Matt said he had set the fundraising target at $20,000, but hoped to surpass that.

This could be a common sight for Matt along the unsealed sections of PDR.
“Anything we raise above the target will go directly to the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, the leading organisation for brain cancer research, advocacy and awareness in Australia,” he said.
“I’ll be looking at some creative fundraising ideas to generate community participation, so keep an eye out for those.”
To make a donation, follow this link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/weipawalk
Contact Matt Nicholls on 0477 450 558 or via email to discuss business partnerships or fundraising options.