2 March 2025

Mammoth effort clears iconic Cape 'rubbish dump' track

| Chisa Hasegawa
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Old Telegraph Track cleanup crew

Volunteers took on the massive task of clearing the years of trash build-up on the Old Telegraph Track. Photo: Supplied.

As the 2024 Cape York tourist season begins to wrap up, those who decide to tackle the iconic Old Telegraph Track are being asked not to leave rubbish behind under the guise of being “mementos” of bucket list trips.

Led by No Limits 4×4 Hire, 17 people took on the massive job of cleaning up the Cape York track this month, collecting trailer loads of car parts, camping gear and rubbish over five days.

No Limits 4×4 Hire manager Toby Reid said volunteers ended up with nine trailers of car parts, much of which was hanging from trees.

“For some reason, people see it as a badge of honour to leave their broken car parts hanging from trees with their names on it,” he said.

“I’ve been running the tours for just over eight years now and the rubbish has gotten worse and worse.

“Some of the stuff is all zip-tied together and screwed into trees; people just see it once and keep doing it.”

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The clean-up crew was made up of staff and past customers of the tour, who volunteered their time for the 10-day trip, including the drive to and from Cairns.

They managed to clear the southern half of the track and are now looking to do the northern half in 2026.

“I’m hoping that people will see the southern half of the track that we cleaned this year and won’t even consider leaving anything behind, because it’s nice and clean,” Mr Reid said.

“Then they’re going to get to the northern section where there is still rubbish, and hopefully think, ‘jeez, this is disgusting compared to what I’ve just been through’, and will second-guess about leaving anything behind anyway.

“People go to these beautiful places because they’re beautiful and pristine; it’s supposed to be one of the last wilderness places in the world, and we treat it like a rubbish dump.

“If you can take it in, take it out.”

Littered shelter at Cockatoo Creek

Rubbish zip-tied to the Cockatoo Creek shelter and left as “mementos” of tourists’ treks along the Old Telegraph Track. Photo: Supplied.

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