EMMA Jackson will remain as the chair of Cape York Natural Resource Management after she was re-elected at the AGM in Cooktown on Saturday.
Ms Jackson has been on the board of Cape York NRM for seven years and said she was pleased to go around again in 2020-21.
She also praised those who nominated for the two vacant positions and thanked Desmond Tayley and Eric Rosendale for their service to Cape York NRM over the years.
Katherine Steffenson, from Elim Beach near Hope Vale, will replace Mr Rosendale, while Cook Shire councillor Marilyn Morris takes Mr Tayley’s spot.
Around 50 people attended the AGM at PCYC Cooktown and they were treated to two presentations from Cape York NRM managers.
Keri Woodcock, who is in charge of the biodiversity and fire programs, gave an insight into some of the good work that is being achieved on the ground in the Cape, including rainforest and turtle protection.
She also spoke about how early fire management proved to be successful.
Sustainable agriculture and water quality program manager Michael Goddard spoke about systems in place to protect the Great Barrier Reef, as well as Disaster Recovery Fund actions.
Mr Goddard also told guests about NRM’s successful Seeds for Change program in remote Cape York communities.
Emma Jackson
Primary Industries sector
Trevor Meldrum
Community sector
Katherine Steffensen
Pauline Smith
John Charlton
Tourism, small business, mining and other industries
Sally Gray
Marilyn Morris
Local Government