There will be plenty of wild and wonderful outfits on show at the Evans Landing boat ramp when the 2024 Clearwater Ladies Gamefish Day is held on 2-3 November. Photo: Supplied.
With a theme of Rhinestone Cowgirls, the 2024 Clearwater Ladies Gamefish Day is set to turn heads on the Evan’s Landing boat ramp as anglers fish to fundraise for the McGrath Foundation next month.
The event, hosted by the Weipa Billfish Club, has gone from strength to strength in recent years and will be held this year on 2-3 November.
Tournament co-ordinator Fifi Down said the unique fundraising event was a chance for female fishers to wet a line and experience competition angling while having a lot of fun and laughs as funds were raised for the McGrath Foundation.
“It’s turned into the ladies all coming together for a day of friendship out on the water, trying something new in a usually male-dominated arena, dressing up and having the chance of winning some awesome prizes,” she said.
“Participants should expect a lot of camaraderie, laughter and, hopefully, the adrenalin rush of seeing their team raise a pod of sailfish.
“Boats will be decorated according to their team name, and in the past we have had ones like Fish N Chicks, Tits Ahoy and Moto Melons – all of the boats will do a sail past before the tournament begins on Saturday morning.”
It will be a frenetic day of fishing action on 2 November before teams frock up for the gala presentation luncheon the following afternoon.
Ms Down said the tournament provided an opportunity for anglers to experience the thrill of chasing billfish, while keeping an eye on the sustainability of the local fishery.
“For some ladies and junior anglers, it is a chance to catch up or show new friends just what it’s like to reel in a beautiful gamefish species, or to teach them new skills,” she said.
“We encourage anglers to leave the marlin or sailfish in the water, as they have better survivability if we do this – they are just as magnificent in the water and their colours truly shine in that environment.
The luncheon will be at the forefront of all competitors’ minds with a three-course meal, raffles for an Adamas diamond, an auction for a Glenn McGrath autographed cricket bat and potentially a mechanical bull on the program.
Nomination forms for the tournament will be out soon and numbers will be limited, so Ms Down urged competitors to get in early.
For more information about the event, call 0407 698 539.