Weipa Town Authority Chair Jaime Gane says staff are thrilled they can use a direct line to the North Pole to get Santa Claus to write personalised letters to the township’s children this Christmas. Photo: Supplied.
The threat of an early wet season will not stop Santa Claus from delivering personal letters to Weipa’s well-behaved children this Christmas.
Weipa Town Authority (WTA) has announced it has a direct line to Santa’s office at the North Pole and is offering parents the opportunity to have him write to their kids before he makes his annual global present delivery on 24 December.
The Cape York Weekly team has been pretty good this year – for the most part, at least – and has it on excellent authority Santa will be writing personalised letters to some extremely special children who visit him at the Weipa Christmas markets in November.
Parents will need to register for one of Santa’s letters, which will be delivered straight from Santa’s desk to their post office box in the first week of December.
WTA Chair Jaime Gane said it was important for parents to register for the event, in order for Santa not to succumb to wet season postal logistics.
“We all know that the wet season makes mail delivery a bit more challenging, so it’s important for parents to register early, so that Santa has enough time to write all of the letters and make sure they get here before Christmas,” she said.
Ms Gane added WTA staff were thrilled they could use their link to Santa to provide a bit of Christmas magic for Weipa children.
“Christmas in Weipa is always special, but activities like this help to keep the magic of Christmas alive for the little ones, especially since many Weipa residents live far away from their extended families,” she said.
Registrations must be submitted by the end of September because Santa will only be able to write a set number of letters.
Cape York Weekly has been unable to confirm whether the WTA chair is likely to be on Santa’s naughty or nice list, but she said her one Christmas wish would be to see Weipa’s bauxite-rich soil blanketed in snow.
“I’d ask for a white Christmas in Weipa,” Ms Gane laughed.
“I reckon it would be pretty magical to see snow on the Cape.”
To register your child for a personalised letter from the big bloke in red, click here.