Rob McVean and Clinton Wonfor teamed up to claim the Dawnbusters 9-hole Hambrose at Carpentaria Golf Club on 22 December. They didn’t win this ham. This ham belongs to a certain newspaper editor who doesn’t share well. Photo: Cape York Weekly.
The second Dawnbusters Ham-brose was contested on 22 December, with seven pairs teeing off at Carpentaria Golf Club in steamy conditions between wet season showers to get their trotters on the coveted Christmas ham.
Rob McVean and Clinton Wonfor returned to the clubhouse with nett 34 to claim the victory and ham, while Lee Sekac and Grant Jamieson took respective pin prize (7th) and long drive (11th) honours.
Brockhurst unwraps Christmas Day birdie
Ten players braved sweltering conditions on Christmas Day for their weekly Wackers fix, with Bruce Brockhurst scoring bragging rights for not only winning the event, but also carding his first birdie.
Grant Crossley was the 25 December runner-up, while Brockhurst must have thought all his Christmases had come at once by also securing the nearest to the pin prize on the 7th hole.
New Wacker Simon Ayles was crowned the Bradman’s recipient.