Six girls and six boys from PCYC Napranum are ready to take on the annual Bunburra tournament. Photo: Supplied.
Twelve young people chosen to represent PCYC Napranum are gearing up to kick some goals at this year’s Bunburra footy tournament.
Bunburra is PCYC Queensland’s annual Indigenous beach touch football tournament, where young boys and girls aged 14-17 from Indigenous communities have the chance to participate in a competition held on the Gold Coast.
The six boys and six girls were selected for the team based on good behaviour, community mindedness, and school and training attendance.
Club manager Sergeant Rhonda Spence said she was proud to admit narrowing the line-up to a final 12 was no easy feat.
“We had up to 20 boys and 20 girls to select from, so it was a very difficult decision,” she said.
Bunburra fosters sporting skills and leadership qualities by rewarding motivated young people, who then become role models for their younger peers.
Sergeant Spence said youth leading youth was a big part of the culture at PCYC Napranum.
“There was so much excitement for all the youth that were selected,” she said.
“Even the younger youth were so excited; you could hear them saying ‘we’re going to train for this next year, we want to go’.
“The younger kids always follow the older kids around here, especially the leaders, so having the junior kids involved shows them what to do in the future when it’s their turn to go.”

Young leaders at PCYC Napranum are inspiring their even younger peers. Photo: Supplied.
PCYC Napranum team
Girls: Cherlyln Mene Dick (16), Janet Miskin (14), Alliyah Kris (14), Dianne Bosuen (17), Kakie Jackonia (14), Lilac Kris (15)
Boys: Benson Kris (17), Ashley Brown (16), Alfridi Bandicootcha (14), Adrian Scott (17), Akut Anau (15), Desmond Pitt (15)