Ava Pensio, Alfred Motlop and Maia Pensio – with immunisation nurse Jan Lile in background – were among the children vaccinated at the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service vaccination clinic at the Lions Hall in Cooktown.
As of Tuesday night, there are 228 active COVID-19 cases in the Torres and Cape.
Active case numbers are fluctuating as cases are discharged from their one-week quarantine and new cases come on.
Active cases currently are located at:
- Weipa – 42
- Thursday Island – 22
- Lakeland – 37
- Cooktown – 57
- Coen – 5
- Bamaga – 15
- Umagico – 2
- Rossville – 2
- Wujal Wujal – 5
- Lockhart River – 18
- Horn Island – 4
- Hope Vale – 2
- Bloomfield – 6
- Warraber Island – 1
- Skardon River – 6
- Injinoo – 2
- Aurukun – 2
All active cases are being managed at home.
Vaccination continues to be our best protection against COVID–19.
“While being vaccinated will not prevent you getting COVID-19, vaccination has been proven to reduce the severity of the illness and help keep you out of hospital and, especially, out of intensive care,” Torres and Cape HHS chief executive Bev Hamerton said.
“People with chronic and underlying conditions are more likely to develop serious illness if they are infected with COVID-19. Vaccination is their best protection.
“Also, wear masks as directed, practice social distancing and good hygiene, including frequent washing of hands with sanitiser and get tested if you have symptoms.
“Our vaccination clinics across the region are now under way and we’ve had good initial numbers of children aged 5 to 11 years turning up so far, with about 155 attending the clinics on Thursday Island, Weipa, Napranum and Cooktown over the past two days.
“I’d like to thank parents for responding to the start of our child immunisation program.
“The dose for children aged between 5 and 11 years will be administered in two doses at least 8 weeks apart, so I would like to urge parents to ensure they bring their child in for the second dose as advised by their local health team.
“Our clinics also are delivering booster vaccinations to those who have completed their primary course of vaccination, as well as offering first and second doses to those who are still unvaccinated or have had only one dose.
“For vaccination dates and locations of the upcoming visiting clinics, please visit the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service website and Facebook page.
“However, please note that weather conditions resulting from the passage of ex-Cyclone Tiffany are affecting some of our clinics on Cape York and we ask for people’s understanding as we work as quickly as possible to resume these.
“And remember, if you have any symptoms, no matter how mild, please get tested.”
Symptoms include: Fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea or lack of taste or smell.
“When getting tested or vaccinated, or attending any of our facilities for health services, please remember our staff are doing their very best to care for you. Please respect them. We will not tolerate any abuse,” Ms Hamerton said.
“Testing for COVID-19 is available at all our facilities in the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service region if you have symptoms.
“If you have purchased or been given a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) to use at home and you test positive for COVID-19, please call your local health facility (Primary Health Care Centre or Hospital) and let them know as soon as possible.
“Our staff will take your details and give them to the Torres and Cape Public Health team, who will then contact you.”
To get the phone number of your nearest health facility, visit: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/services/torres-cape
This week, outreach vaccination clinics will be held at the following locations. Times for Tuesday to Thursday clinics are fixed, times for Monday and Friday clinics may be adjusted to suit local circumstances so please call the local health facility to check times for Mondays and Fridays:
- 12 years plus at the Bamaga PHCC (Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm)
- 12 years plus at the Lions Hall (Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm)
- 5-11 years at the Lions Hall (Tuesday to Friday 9am to 4 pm)
Hope Vale
- 12 years plus at the Hope Vale PHCC (Tuesday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm)
Thursday Island
- 12 years plus at the Torres Health Building (Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm)
- 5-11 years at the TI Pool Stadium (Tuesday to Friday 9am to 4 pm)
- On hold until road conditions improve.
- 12 years plus at the Napranum PHCC (Tuesday to Friday 8.30 am to 4 pm)
- 12 years plus at the Storm Surge Shelter (Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 3 pm)
- 5-11 years at the Storm Surge Shelter (Tuesday to Friday 8.30 am to 3 pm)