Touch footy brought the Aurukun community together for Reconciliation Week fun. Photo: Supplied.
Sport has the power to bring people together, and it was no different for this year’s Reconciliation Week celebration in Aurukun.
Led by the Kang Kang Youth leadership team at PCYC Aurukun, more than 150 community members came together for a night of touch football to play, laugh and yarn.
The Kang Kang Youth organise several events throughout the year and learn what it takes to become a leader in their own backyard.
PCYC Aurukun youth support worker Norma Armstrong-Ravula said building strong youth was the way forward for the western Cape York community.
“It’s not just them saying we want to do a touch event, it’s thinking about what goes into a touch event, what do we need, what do we want to eat, who’s going to cook, who’s going to clean up, who’s going to serve the food; there’s a lot of learning that comes with all of that,” Ms Armstrong-Ravula said.
“A big part of what we do is try to empower the young people.
“Our Elders, like all communities, are passing and we need to get the next generation ready to lead their communities forward.”
She said for the team at PCYC Aurukun, this year’s Reconciliation Week theme, Now More Than Ever, meant youth and community coming together for change.
“Now, more than ever, we need to work together,” Ms Armstrong-Ravula said.
“Now, more than ever, we need to support our youth.
“Now, more than ever, we need to look after our Elders.
“Now, more than ever, we have to be the change for the community.”
The youth support worker said the night left everyone’s hearts and stomachs feeling full.
“There was so much laughter, so many smiles, and we had a massive feed together at the end,” she said.
“There were also a lot of people just sitting and watching and yarning, and there were a lot of service providers speaking about how they can work better together for Aurukun’s future.”