The Easter Bunny was (mostly) a big hit with parents and kids alike on Saturday morning at the WTA Easter markets. Photo: Supplied.
The Weipa community got together to catch up and celebrate the arrival of the Easter Bunny at the first market of the year on 23 March.
While the absence of rain for the first time in several weekends meant overall numbers were down as residents of the township headed for the great outdoors, the event was a hit as hundreds of patrons converged on the Weipa Storm Surge Shelter to see what stallholders had to offer.
Weipa Town Authority (WTA) Chair Jaime Gane said the event was the first public outing for elected members since the 16 March election, explaining the markets were a great place to engage with stakeholders.

Children got creative at the ever popular Easter Bunny mask making stall at the WTA Easter markets on 23 March. Photo: Supplied.
“It’s always just a really great vibe at the markets,” she said.
“It’s really informal and casual, and I think people feel really comfortable talking to you there.
“The markets are really good for community engagement.”
The arrival of the Easter Bunny in hot and humid wet season conditions triggered a flurry of photos with the fluffy visitor, while the Easter Bunny mask making stall was a big winner with children.
“The WTA ladies that work in the library ran the mask stall and do some other little craft activities in the middle [of the markets],” Ms Gane explained.
“That’s always really well received by the younger kids.”

Weipa Town Authority elected members Trent Gordon, Jaime Gane and Lisa Scharf catch up with the Easter Bunny at the markets. Photo: Supplied.
The new chair added she had been thrilled to see local businesses using the markets as a way to promote new products and service offerings not usually found in Weipa.
“I love that there’s these little new businesses that have just started making new items,” Ms Gane said.
“It’s a really good opportunity for people like that to say ‘hey, this is what I’m doing now’.
“I came back [home] with a little goody bag.”

The WTA Easter markets were quickly given the thumbs up of approval by patrons. Photo: Supplied.

Market patrons lined up to have their hands decorated with stunning henna artwork. Photo: Supplied.

Billie Bosel-Nolan, 4, and Morgan Bosel-Nolan, 7, welcome the Easter Bunny to Weipa during the first market of the year for the western Cape York township on Saturday morning. Photo: Supplied.