10 May 2023

Monday update: 245 active COVID-19 cases in the region

| Matt Nicholls
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ALMOST every Cape York community has at least one case of COVID-19 as the health service looks to ramp up booster vaccinations and getting young people immunised in the coming weeks.

At 3pm yesterday, there were 245 active COVID-19 cases in the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service region.

  • Cooktown – 59
  • Lakeland – 59
  • Weipa – 46
  • Thursday Island – 17
  • Lockhart River – 17
  • Bamaga – 15
  • Bloomfield – 5
  • Coen – 5
  • Rossville – 5
  • Skardon River – 5
  • Aurukun – 2
  • Horn Island – 2
  • Injinoo – 2
  • Umagico – 2
  • Wujal Wujal – 2
  • Hope Vale – 1
  • Saibai Island – 1

“All active cases are being managed at home,” health service CEO Bev Hamerton said.

“Local transmission is now evident in our communities and numbers can be expected to continue rising substantially.

“Community members are reminded to check the dedicated Queensland Health COVID-19 website for information, alerts, resources, and updates.

“Also check the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service website and Facebook.

“And remember, if you have any symptoms, no matter how mild, please get tested.”

Symptoms include: fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea or lack of taste or smell.

“When getting tested or vaccinated, or attending any of our facilities for health services, please remember our staff are doing their very best to care for you,” Ms Hamerton said.

“Please respect them. We will not tolerate any abuse.

“Testing for COVID-19 is available at all our facilities in the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service region if you have symptoms.

“If you have purchased or been given a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) to use at home and you test positive for COVID-19, please call your local health facility (Primary Health Care Centre or hospital) and let them know as soon as possible. Our staff will take your details and give them to the Torres and Cape Public Health team, who will then contact you.”

The Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service COVID-19 vaccination clinic program is restarting across the region this week, with a focus on the 5 to 11-year-old age group.

There may be some adjustments to times and locations in communities affected by the passage of Cyclone Tiffany.

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