A BOAT captain is still in hospital with severe facial injuries after he crashed into rocks at the tip of Cape York earlier this month.
At around 8pm on Saturday, July 2, the 27-year-old skipper was returning home when he suddenly stopped, having hit the rocks at approximately 20 knots.
The incident occurred at Peak Point, to the west of Punsand Bay. Police received a call that the operator of the vessel had suffered head injuries and was bleeding heavily.
After more than an hour, the man was picked up by another vessel which departed from the nearby Roko Island.
He was dropped off at a nearby beach where an ambulance was waiting to take him to Bamaga Hospital.
He was transported to Cairns Hospital the next day in a serious but stable condition and is still recovering from severe facial fractures.
The Thursday Island Water Police attended the scene to take pictures but were not involved in the man’s retrieval.
Cape York Weekly has blurred out the name of the boat’s company to protect the owner.