Mariah Bowen with coach Vince Parkes and stablemate Ferlene David ahead of her bout on Saturday night.
MARIAH Bowen came back from a first-round defeat to win the second and third to take out her fourth muaythai fight in Cairns on the weekend.
Matched against Townsville-based Elle List from Courage Training Centre, the Cooktown fighter had a rough start as she was peppered with straight shots from List and clearly lost round one on the Elite Fight Series event.
Full Boar Gym coach Vince Parkes and stablemate Ferlene David provided sound advice in the corner after the first round which saw Bowen come back stronger in the second and third rounds, evading List’s punches, attacking first and counter attacking.
Sporting large ice packs strapped to her shins, an ecstatic but sore Bowen was congratulated by the large crowd of family and well-wishers in attendance to watch her bout.
Bowen and stablemate David are both hoping to be matched on the next Elite Fight series event in Cairns in December.