The catastrophic wet weather event of December 2023 reminded Cape York residents about the importance of preparing for the worst. Photo: Supplied.
It’s a beautiful place to live, but the weather can take a disastrous turn during the wet season on Cape York.
Approaching one year after Tropical Cyclone Jasper, Cape York residents are being urged to get ready for the upcoming storm season to keep themselves and their families safe.
“We are urging all Queenslanders to give some thought to what they would do if the worst happened and to make a plan today,” Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) chief executive officer Major General Jake Ellwood (Retd) said.
“Since 2011, Queensland has been impacted by more than 120 significant disaster events, so it’s not a matter of if but when the next disaster will hit, and we all need to be prepared.
“Research shows those who have undertaken disaster preparation also recover more quickly.”
Major General Ellwood said Cape York residents could follow three simple steps to ensure they were ready – understanding how severe weather would impact their life, making a plan, and packing an emergency kit.
He said the easiest way to do that was to follow the QRA’s Get Ready Queensland Household Severe Weather Emergency Plan.
“Using our new online severe weather emergency planning tool, you can collate all the information you need in one place, so you know what to do and who to contact in times of crisis,” Major General Ellwood said.
“Next time you’re shopping, we also recommend grabbing a few extra items for your emergency kit, like long-life food, drinking water, toiletries, batteries, a torch, and a battery-powered radio.
“Consider what items your family might need if you were isolated for multiple days.”
Major General Ellwood also said residents should clean up debris around their yards, clear their drains, subscribe to weather alerts, and ensure their insurance coverage is right for them.